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PASSPO☆ at Japan Expo 12th impact
 December 4, 2011, 00:00   laRedaction   Live report

During Japan Expo 12th impact, we have had the pleasure to discover through two showcases and one signing session improvised at the Nolife’s booth, Asō Natsuko, the announcer of Japan in Motion. If last year, JIM’s crew was there to film the young lady, this year, she saw see things in big. She had not only her own booth (see interview du producteur de l'émission) but she brought whith her the show new faces,ie the idols group PASSPO☆. As we announced on our previous articles , they were at the expo for a showcase, a signing session and a conference about Kyōto on friday, then on saturday another signing session, a fashion show in seifuku followed by a showcase and a special show Japan in Motion. Back on the events during the festival J.E. Live House showcase

PASSPO☆ the JE Live House stage

On friday 3pm at the J.E. Live House we saw for the first time the group awaited by JIM fans and idols ones. As often, with this type of groupe, we were not surprised to see girls on stage without mics and lip syncing. However some them were really singing. Nothing to do with the AKB48 showcase 100% lip sync two years ago on the same stage. Here is the concert setlist where we noticed the two titles of the coming up single « ViVi Natsu ». ~Setlist~ 1. ViVi夏 ViVi natsu (track 1 from « Vivi natsu ») World premiere as the single was scheduled on 2011 august 24th) 2. Pretty Lie (track 4 from"TAKE☆OFF") 3. Go on a Highway (track 3 from"TAKE☆OFF") 4. 少女飛行 Shōjo hikō (track 1 from"Shōjo hikō") 5. ウハエ! Uhae! (track 2 from"Shōjo hikō") MC 6. Let it Go!! (track 1 from"TAKE☆OFF") 7. La La Lovetrain~恋の片道切符~ Koi no katamichi kippu (track 7 from"TAKE☆OFF") 8. 夏空ダッシュ Natsu sora Dash (track 9 from"TAKE☆OFF") 9. GPP (track 2 from"TAKE☆OFF") 10. じゃあね... Jaa ne... (track 2 from"Vivi natsu") Interview on 2011 saturday july 2nd Please refer to the devoted article. Fashion show for Seifuku fashion on 2011 saturday july 2nd

PASSPO☆ durant le défilé

The magazine CONOMi is the n°1 reference for japanese girls who like school uniform (Seifuku in japanese). Issued from Harajuku in Tōkyō, the « preppy » style according to CONOMi has become a true symbol of the Kawaii fashion around the world. That’s why Japan Expo invited the creator Yokoyama Toyoko, Vice President of CONOMi, in order to offer to french audience a fashion show with french models wearing her creations. According to her, the purpose of her collection is to adapt uniform so as it can be worn everyday. Why talking about this parade? Just because among the models members of PASSPO☆ were on the catwalk. The PASSPO☆ were the only one standing on stage while the other models left for the backstage. In the end everybody will do a last pass on the catwalk and thanked the creator after her venue on stage. As scheduled, PASSPO☆ stayed on stage to offer us a short showcase. As yesterday, only five girls had a mic : Aipon, Musshu, Naomin, Morishi et Yukki. But as you understood, it’s not important! ~Setlist~ 1. Let it go!! Presentation MC 3. Shōjo hikō 4. La La Lovetrain~Koi no katamichi kippu~ Show Japan In Motion on the stage 100% Cosplay This show was organised in order to express solidarity after the events that occurred in Japan and was hosted by Alex Pilot, programs director of Nolife. Question from Alex : How do you feel about Japan Expo? Yukki : When I arrived in Paris, I was impressed by the buildings which are massive,imposing and very pretty .I had already seen photos of Paris but seeing it in real was very enjoyable and a great fun.Aipon : I am a gamer, I love to play video games. So, when I saw all these video game cosplays walking around the convention, I found this very very nice, very fun. And of course the live in front of great french people. It was awesome to be able to perform in such a big hall and in front of so many people. It was really great. Question from Alex : I think that among PASSPO☆, Miomio is a manga fan. Which one would you recommend? Miomio : The one I adore right now is Nichijō (note : by Arai Keiichi). Question from Alex : What do you like in this manga? Miomio : In fact, it’s a nice one whith cool,funny and cute characters. It’s a gag manga, short stories one after the other and it’s fun. Next, starting with questions selected among those from the official Japan in motion website and its facebook page. Why are you saying that Aipon is sly? Aipon : I don’t know why you are asking this, I’m totally pure. What do you think of french boys Musshu : French girls are cute and french boys are handsome, I love it. Really? Musshu : Yes, really. Were does your nickname Musshu come from? Musshu : Since I was younh, I love France and I wanted a nickname that sounded a little french. Also it means nothing, I thought Musshu sounded french that’s why I adopted it. It was time for another tiny showcase with only two mics, one for Morishi and the other for Musshu. ~Setlist~ 1. Shōjo hikō 2. Let it go!
Last series of questions and gifts distribution. Question from Alex : You have been to Hiroshima, what souvenirs do you keep? Yukki : Those who went to Hiroshima... was us four (Morishi, Nachu, Musshu et Yukki). We are the four who went to shoot in Hiroshima. I remember the okonomiyakis we prepared and we ate drinking tea, the yukata we wore and the city walking. That was wonderful. Naomin : I, Naomin, I liked walking to the temples and practicing some zazen . After living such experience, I felt becoming a better person, purer . Musshu : I spent a good time. We went to the mountain where I breathed pure and delicious air. So do I felt purer and more beautiful. Morishi : Naomin and Musshu were inclined to do dangerous thing on the cliffs, but that’s the way Yukki and I do. We climbed on a carriage and we spent a good time. Gifts were chosen by staff and hosts from JIML, such as Neeko, PASSPO☆ and Asō Natsuko (even though she was in Japan). The draw was done in a very special way: Neeko and two members of PASSPO☆ (Makocchan and Nachu) were holding each a batch of boards numbered. They melted them and when the countdown stoped , they showed the number on top of the pile. With the three numbers, we obtained a 3 figures number which could be found on tickets handed earlier at the JIM booth. Question from Alex : PASSPO☆, any last word? Annya : It’s our last day at Japan Expo. Tomorrow, we go back to Japan and we will continue to do our best. Do not hesitate to come and see us.

Source : Japan Expo 12

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